Power Point For Mac Insert Equation Shortcut

  1. Power Point For Mac Insert Equation Shortcut Free
  2. Power Point For Mac Insert Equation Shortcut Key
  3. Powerpoint For Mac Insert Equation Shortcut Command
  4. Powerpoint For Mac Insert Equation Shortcut Keys

Knowing the area of a shape in PowerPoint can be very useful when wanting to visually represent a percentage of that shape.

Power Point For Mac Insert Equation Shortcut Free

Let’s say we have a map of a country represented by a vector shape in PowerPoint, Excel or Word and we want to visualise that half of that country is occupied by farm land. How could we do that?

If you use PowerPoint at work or at home, keyboard shortcuts can be a great time saver. —Read more about some little-known keyboard shortcuts for PowerPoint.

If so, knowing some keyboard shortcuts for Excel on Mac can save you time when performing basic tasks in your spreadsheets and workbooks. As Microsoft products, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint have some of the same shortcuts. The heavy division symbol is actually a divide emoji that you can insert using emoji keyboard in Windows, Mac and smartphones. Insert a paragraph break. Insert a new line after the insertion point. Enter special characters. Control-Command-Space bar. Transpose the characters on either side of the insertion point. Apply a paragraph, character, or list style using your own shortcut. Assign a shortcut key. Insert an equation. How to write Mathematics formula in powerpoint.Mathematical Formula in powerpoint.For more videos on this subject click on the linkhttps://www.youtube.com/wa.

We all know how to calculate the area of a square and numerous other geometric shapes but what about an irregular [polygon] shape in PowerPoint? Not so easy. Not in the slightest as you can imagine with this shape!

The VBA macro below solves this problem by examining all of the vertices (X/Y points) in the shape and calculating the area based on an unsightly mathematical formula which we won’t bore you with here.

There are a couple of caveats to note if you use this macro:

  1. Nodes around the perimeter of a shape in Microsoft Office applications don’t always refer to the real points that make up the outline path. Depending on the type of point, the node may refer to a point on the path or one of two control handles for the point that define a Bezier curve. The macro will check that all segments in the path are straight lines (as per the definition of a polygon) and will convert any curves it finds to straight segments to eliminate any control nodes. This conversion may affect the overall shape and hence its area.
  2. The shape must be a freeform shape. The macro can’t and won’t calculate the area of auto shapes such as squares and circles as these are a special type of shapes in PowerPoint (you can of course use the Merge tool in Office 2010 and onwards to convert the shape to a freeform by overlaying another shape above it and using the Intersect mode).
  3. The shape must be closed. If it’s not, just right click on it, select Edit Points and then right click on the path before finally selecting Close Path.



Make sure a single closed freeform shape is selected before your run the macro. When you run it, a text box is added to the top left of the slide with the shape area. You’re then asked if you want to add a square to the slide equal to a given percentage of the area of the shape. This is the result for our US map after requesting a square equal to 50% of the area:

Using The Macro

Power Point For Mac Insert Equation Shortcut Key

If you’ve never used a VBA macro in PowerPoint before, check out our short tutorial which explains how to insert a macro in PowerPoint for the PC or Mac.

Note: we’ve commented out the following line in the main GetShapeArea procedure because for shapes with many hundreds of points, changing the segment type takes a long time and makes it appear as if PowerPoint has crashed (which it hasn’t).

Powerpoint For Mac Insert Equation Shortcut Command

ShapeSegmentsToLine oShp

If you experience any issues with relatively simple shapes (tens of points), then uncomment this line (delete the apostrophe).

The Macro

Powerpoint For Mac Insert Equation Shortcut Keys

This macro is provided under the Creative Commons attribution licence. That means you’re free to use it and modify it and all we ask in return is that you credit us with the original creation as described in the code.