Mikroelektronika Glcd Bitmap Editor

  • Your shoppingcart is empty. Continue shopping. Wireless Connectivity. GPS/GNSS; GSM/LTE; LTE IoT; BT/BLE; WiFi+BLE; WiFi; Sub-1 GHz.
  • The bitmap for the image will be saved in an array as shown in the below image. Use this array in your code for displaying the image/logo on the GLCD. Below is the complete code with the bit map array. Check glcd.h file for pin connection. Download the complete project folder from this link: Hardware design Files and Code Library.
  1. Mikroelektronika Glcd Bitmap Editor 2017
  2. Mikroelektronika Glcd Bitmap Editor Tool Free Download
  3. Free Bitmap Editor
  4. Mikroelektronika Glcd Bitmap Editor 2019

Choose X-GLCD Lib (only option for fonts with height over 8 bits) and KS0108 format. Click on MikroC tab, and then make two edits to the source. Change the type to “const char”, and add PROGMEM to just before the ‘=’ character. This code is now ready. So we need to make a new font file, in our application. LCD Bitmap Converter for eGUI is an image converter tool, which helps you conveniently convert any images into a Microchip Library bitmap, which can be easily integrated into your Microchip Library based project How to use mikroElektronika's GLCD bitmap editor tool to convert a BMP image in to a data array Posted on October 24, 2011 by R-B 6. Use the integrated Glcd Bitmap Editor (menu option Tools › Glcd Bitmap Editor) to convert image to a constant array suitable for displaying on Glcd. Requires: Glcd needs to be initialized, see GlcdInit routine. Example // Draws a 10x15 part of the image starting from the upper left corner on the coordinate (10,12). Original image size is 16x32.

( Depends of Editon : BASIC , STANDARD ( full software) orExtended
Mikroelektronika glcd bitmap editor download
Native easy to install Windows software application
Monochrome GLCD
2,4,5 * and 16 bpp grayscale (2,16,32 and 256 gray shades) GLCD
Mikroelektronika Glcd Bitmap Editor
16 Colors (4bpp) GLCD
4096 Colors (12bpp * ) GLCD
252k (18bpp * ) GLCD
* packed and unpacked data
Dot matrix sizes up to 1024 x 768, supports BMP,JPEG,PNG,ICO,TIFF,GIF animation
Easy conversion of color images to black/white with treshold level trackbar slider or Dithering
Floyd Steinberg , Nearest, Stucki, Sierra, JaJuNi, Steve Arche, Burkes
Mikroelektronika Glcd Bitmap editor
Font Gen : Font specific Kerning pairs Table export to code
Font Gen : Selectable international ANSI Codepage
Font Gen : Under Dev > Import Lists of Chars from an Excel Table (Widechars)

GLCD.c Library Vector Design and Programming [LINK]
Mikroelektronika Glcd Bitmap Editor

Mikroelektronika Glcd Bitmap Editor 2017

Generate GLCD Data arrays full screen, part of screen, screen subdivision
Data to text file, Intel Hex File, Binary File, 8,16 and 32 bit format
GLCD DATA COMPRESSION (monochrome only) [LINK]
Imports Data Arrays of source files and convert data to bitmap inside the Work Canvas (monochrome only) [LINK]
GLCD Font Editor / Creator / Generator , Import and convert system fonts, edit and generate system or Editable fonts (<= 256 colors), create fonts from scratch

Easy graphical Touch Panel / Touch Screen regions programming (resolution 8,10 or 12, 16 and 24 bit ) [LINK]
Serial Communication Terminal ( Virtual Comport, USB to RS232 )

Mikroelektronika Glcd Bitmap Editor Tool Free Download

Easy settings for output of data array for C , Pascal, Basic or assembler codes, the development tool you use for your favorite embedded system. Whole Animation is converted to GLCD data in one single run.

Free Bitmap Editor

Automatic Text Search and Replace , Text and Graphic Batch Processing features ...

Mikroelektronika Glcd Bitmap Editor 2019

Monochrome, Grayscale, Color