Ipa To Apk Converter Online

Some iPhone / iTouch Apps are free, we all know that, but sadly not all iTunes AppStores dispplay the same apps. For example you know the story of the Skype app. US users could enjoy the app, but Canadians for example couldnt. Simply Apple decides that some apps are only available for in the US appstore.

Another app that is only available in the US iTunes Store ( may be available in some regionals appstores, but not all of them ) is iDaft. I wrote about that app yesterday and today i got a comment from Voluntondile asking me if i can post the .ipa file of this app because the app is not available in his country. At the same time i got an email from a reader asking me if i know how transform a .app folder to .ipa file. So i decided to post two dead easy methods to do this.


As you might know , this app created a lot of buzz over the www and of course a lot of controversy. Using this app you strip down the DRM of the apps, which means u crack them and you can share them with the world. But you can also you it on free apps. Get the app from the iTunes appstore, install it on your iPhone or iTouch and than crack it. In this case, if it’s a free app, you dont actually crack it, but you will be able to retrieve the .ipa file and share it with others. Get Crackulous from Cydia.

Ipa to apk converter online

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Ipa To Apk Converter online, free


This is as easy as it gets, but it has more steps and it requires some manual labor from you. First you need to SSH into your iPhone or iTouch and download the .app folder. Copy the .app folder into a folder called Payload . Once you get the .app folder into the Payload folder, just compress it with .zip extension using any compression software. Once compressed , just change the extension from XXX.zip to XXX.ipa. Thats it.

Ipa To Apk Converter Online Converter

NOTE: Just to make this clear. Not all apps will work in an IPA state, since apps in IPA will be sandboxed and have limited access.For example,iBluetooth needs access to the chip or Cydia needs access to the whole filesystem.And most apps that do things that affect the whole system or use things from places other than their folder.